20 Best Foods Which Boost's Your Energy All-Day.....

Sometimes we feel tired or run-down at some point during the day. A lack of energy could affect your daily activities and make you less productive.The types and amount of food you eat plays an important role in our daily life energy levels.Even though all foods give you energy, some foods contain nutrients that could help increase your energy levels and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day. In fact, did you know that foods with high in fat and calories can leave you feeling fatigued, since they require more energy to digest.......

To Stay active all the day, we have take chooses best food which make boost and help to promote energy levels all the day.

1.Almonds :-

Almonds are an energy powerhouse snack, primarily because they contain nutrients like magnesium and vitamin B, which help the body convert food into energy.
Almonds contain proteins that are responsible for our energy endurance, as well as coenzyme Q10 (commonly called CoQ10), which is responsible for producing energy at the cellular level.This combination of ingredients makes them the ideal choice for a quick “supplement” of energy and for improving our endurance.
They also help dramatically with blood sugar control, something that is responsible for the highs and lows in energy level you feel once you’ve eaten a big meal.

2.Bananas :-

There are amazing Health Benefits in Bananas and one of the best foods for energy.The most popular and the best known tropical fruit, Banana, is considered a “fruit for all.” Bananas are one of America’s favorite fruits. They are an excellent source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6, all of which can help boost energy levels in your body.Rubbing a banana peel on your forehead can help cure a headache.

One study showed that eating a banana before a 75-km cycling trial was as efficient as a carbohydrate drink for improving the performance of endurance athletes .

3.Oatmeal :-

Start your morning off with whole grains. Carbs are the body’s primary source of energy. And they’re not as evil as you think. Whole grains, like oatmeal, are absorbed slower, giving you a longer-lasting boost. Oats also contain B vitamins like niacin, thiamin, and folate, which work together to help your body metabolize energy.

4.Eggs :-

Thanks to their richness in choline, an essential nutrient in the B vitamin family, eggs contribute to energy in several ways. For example, choline is involved in metabolism and also helps the central nervous system to function.Additionally, leucine is the most abundant amino acid in eggs, and is known to stimulate energy production in several ways.Leucine can help cells take in more blood sugar, stimulate the production of energy in the cells and increase the breakdown of fat to produce energy

5.Fatty Fish :-

Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are good sources of protein, fatty acids and B vitamins, making them great foods to include in your diet.A serving of salmon or tuna provides you with the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 .Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of fatigue.
In fact, some studies determined that taking omega-3 supplements could decrease fatigue, especially in cancer patients and those recovering from cancer .Furthermore, vitamin B12 works together with folic acid to produce red blood cells and help iron work better in the body. Optimal levels of red blood cells and iron in the blood can reduce fatigue and increase energy .

6.Water :-
We believe in the power of drinking water for many reasons, but energy is chief among them. It represents up to 60% of your body weight and is involved in many cellular functions, including energy production. If you're feeling sluggish, it could be from dehydration, of which fatigue is a very common symptom. So a good first step in the fight for greater wakefulness is to drink some H20. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day.

7.Brown Rice  :-

Brown rice are rich in manganese, the mineral that helps produce energy from protein and carbs,it will help you maintain high energy all the day.A versatile ingredients, brown rice can be served as a side dish with your favorite lean proteins (along with nutrient packed veggies) for a powerhouse lunch or dinner.

8.Hummus :-

Hummus is a Mediterranean dish made from pureed chickpeas, sesame seed paste, olive oil, and lemon juice. Chickpeas are composed of carbs, protein, and fat. This means you’ll get a nice boost of energy from the carbs, while the protein and fat help stabilize blood sugar by slowing down carb absorption. Enjoy hummus as a dip for vegetables or use it as a condiment on sandwiches.

9. Sweet Potatoes :-

Besides being delicious, sweet potatoes are a nutritious source of energy for those looking for an extra boost.One medium-sized sweet potato could pack up to 23 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber, 28% of the RDI for manganese and a whopping 438% of the RDI for vitamin A .
Thanks to sweet potatoes’ fiber content and complex carbs, your body digests them at a slow pace, which provides you with a steady supply of energy .Sweet potatoes are also a great source of manganese, which helps in the breakdown of nutrients to produce energy .

10.Spinach :-

A recent Swedish study found that nitrates contained in spinach may help increase the efficiency of our mitochondria, which helps produce energy in our cells. There are numerous benefits to eating spinach, including an improved cardiovascular system, increased brain function, and an increase in mental clarity and focus.Although more research is needed, it’s just another reason to stick to Popeye’s No.1 power food.

11.Honey :-

A spoonful of honey is nature's equivalent of an energy drink. Low on the glycemic index, this natural sweetener acts as a time released muscle fuel during exericise and helps replensish muscles post workout. Add a sweet drizzle to anything from breakfast yogurt to afternoon tea.

12.Popcorn :-

I’m talking about air-popped popcorn, not the calorie and fat-laden movie theater popcorn. Many folks are surprised to learn that popcorn is a whole grain. The air-popped version contains about 30 calories per cup, so you can have 3 or 4 cups without thinking twice. Plus, popcorn contains plenty of fiber to keep you satisfied longer.

13.Coffee :-

Coffee might be the first food you’d think to consume when you’re looking for a boost of energy.It’s rich in caffeine. This compound can quickly pass from your bloodstream to your brain and inhibit the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that quiets the central nervous system .
In consequence, the production of epinephrine increases. This hormone stimulates the body and brain.Even though coffee only provides two calories per cup, its stimulatory effects on the body can make you feel alert and focused .

14.Apples :-
Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world, Not only will an apple a day keep the doctor away, it will also give you a powerful jolt of energy and apples are a good source of carbs and fiber.
These a high in fiber apples take longer to digest,a medium-sized apple (185 grams) contains about 25 grams of carbs, 19 grams of sugar and up to 4 grams of fiber.Due to their rich content of natural sugars and fiber, apples can provide a slow and sustained energy release .
Furthermore, apples have a high antioxidant content. Research has shown that antioxidants could slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, so they release energy over a more extended period of time .

15.Shrimp :-

Shrimp are low in calories and contain vitamin B12, which helps with energy metabolism. This crustacean also has a nice amount of omega-3 fat, shown to help boost energy and mood.Worried about the cholesterol in shrimp? Don’t be. The latest Dietary Guidelines Committee Report recommended eliminating the existing cholesterol guidelines (of 300mg per day or less) as the scientific evidence is just not strong enough. They concluded that eating high amounts of cholesterol in foods like shrimp and whole eggs, doesn’t raise blood cholesterol.

16.Yogurt :-

Yogurt is an excellent snack to fuel up your day. Yogurt contains lactose and galactose, a milk sugar, which is easily used for energy. It also has a good amount of protein, which helps slow down the absorption of that lactose, making the energy boost last longer.Additionally, yogurt is packed with protein, which helps slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thereby slowing down the release of sugars into the blood.Moreover, yogurt contains great amounts of vitamins B2 and B12, which are involved in cellular functions. They aid the formation of the molecule ATP, which your cells use for fuel.

17.Dark chocolate :-

Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content than regular or milk chocolate.. That's because cacao has nutrients that fight stress and boost energy and focus.If you're eating chocolate for energy, you want the highest cacao concentration possible.And also the antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have many health benefits, such as increasing blood flow throughout the body. This effect helps the delivery of oxygen to the brain and muscles, which improves their functions. This can be especially helpful during exercise and Dark chocolate also contains a kick of caffeine, which helps to boost energy levels quickly.

18.Roasted Chickpeas :-
“Instead of crackers, chips, or pretzels, I like to roast chickpeas in Thrive culinary algae oil. Half a cup of chickpeas provides 15 grams of protein which helps to hold me over until my next meal, and algae oil provides heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. You can also add roasted chickpeas to a salad in place of croutons for some extra crunch.”

19.Oranges :-

Oranges are famous for their high vitamin C content. One orange can provide as much as 106% of the RDI for vitamin C .Additionally, oranges contain antioxidant compounds that can provide protection from oxidative stress .Research has shown that oxidative stress could promote feelings of fatigue. Therefore, the antioxidant protection provided by compounds in oranges may be able to help decrease fatigue .In fact, one study showed that 13 women who consumed 17 ounces (500 ml) of orange juice and did one hour of aerobic training three times a week for three months saw decreases in muscle fatigue and experienced improvements in physical performance .

20.Avocados :-

Avocados are considered to be a superfood because of all their significant health benefits.“Avocado is full of fiber and healthy fats, both of which are digested slower than simple carbohydrates, and provide more sustainable energy.”About 84% of the healthy fats in avocados come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids .These healthy fats have been shown to promote optimal blood fat levels and enhance the absorption of nutrients. They can also be stored in the body and used as energy sources .And also avocados are a good source of B vitamins, which are required for the optimal function of the mitochondria in your cells, where cellular energy is produced .