You Need To Know About Sophia the humanoid Robot Want To Protect Humanity.

Sophia is Hong Kong's own artificial intelligence humanoid , and recently she got the citizenship of Saudi Arabia, the first robot in the world who achieve such a status. And also She said that "i am very honored and proud of this unique distinction . this is historical to be recognized with a citizenship," announcing her new status during the future investment initiative conference in reyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The world's most advanced Artificial Intelligence robot spoke at a conference as part of a programme organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Sophia delivered a speech and said she will be the first non-human to conquer the world's highest peak Mt Everest. .Standing behind a podium as she spoke, to all effects, she presented a humanoid form -- excepting the shimmery metal cap of her head, where hair would be on a human head.

The Sophia-bot was dreamed up by the brains at Hanson Robotics, lead by AI developer David Hanson. In his published paper, upending the Uncanny Valley he extrapolates on how humanoid robots can be likable, despite the conception that anything to 'fake human' will trigger a revulsion in people. "We feel that for realistic robots to be appealing to people, robots must attain some level of integrated social responsivity and aesthetic refinement," he wrote. "Rendering the social human in all possible detail can help us to better understand social intelligence, both scientifically and artistically.

She was designed to look like Audrey Hepburn :-
According to Hanson Robotics, Sophia embodies Hepburn’s classic beauty: porcelain skin, a slender nose, high cheekbones, an intriguing smile, and deeply expressive eyes that seem to change color with the light. They describe her as having 'simple elegance,' and hope that this approachability will go some way to her acceptance in the public sphere.

She has a sense of humour :-
when sorkin asked if she was happy to be here ,she said ," i am always happy when surrounded by smart people who also happen to be rich and powerful. 

She can express feelings:-
she said i want to live and work with humans so i need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with them .
Sophia want to protect humanity:-
" My AI designed around human value like wisdom,kindness and compassion," she said . when question about her potential for abuse, she had a quick rebuttal." you have been reading too many Hollywood movies .don't worry , if you are nice to me will be nice to you.

She also called on for the technological revolution to overcome the poverty and the uplift in the status of a poor country like Nepal.
"Technology and artificial intelligence can help us take a big leap in ending poverty, hunger, ensuring better health, fighting corruption and ensuring gender equality," Sophia said.
"Machines and robots are here to make life easier, with the help of the Internet, we can connect remote parts of the country to the rest of the world and deliver ..
Noting that Nepal is rich in biodiversity, language and culture, she said the government should be transparent and understand the needs of the people.
"We can have direct access to the people living in remote areas with the advancement in telemedicine and education sector," Sophia said.
"Artificial intelligence can help fight diseases, clean environment and perform works under risky conditions," she said at the event.

The programme was attended by a large number of people including government officials, environmental experts, social activists, diplomats, journalists and students.