Fascinating Facts About Your Bones

You may think of your skeleton as just your body's scaffolding.But You bones do a lot more than define your human shape.Your Bones manufacture blood cells, and regulate your internal system.And they keep your brain, heart, and lungs safe....

Your Bones might be your best friend If they only can tell jokes ....! Did you Know the Funny Bone is not really a bone ? Or You expose your skeleton whenever you laugh, smile,or scream.How well do you really know your body if it changes every 10 years.

Your skeleton is the reason why you can breath, stand ,lift,run, and survive a football game- or a disease.Aside form providing the internal framework for the body.Our skeletons perform critical functions for our survival.

Red and white blood cells, for example are born in bone marrow.Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.While white blood cells attack infected cells and fight viruses and bacteria.

But balancing all these vital responsibilities is no easy task, which is why the skeletal system is comprised of so many bones.

But right at this moment you yourself are either losing some of those bones, or have lost them already....Can you guess why ?

Every human is born with nearly 300 bones in their body.But when we die we have only 206 bones in the our body.That's because a baby requires a malleable bone structure and more cartilage elements to ease its passage through the birth canal.

After its's born, a child bones will fuse together, and transform cartilage into bone.This process is called ossification, it begins 13 weeks after conception and lasts until your 20s.

A life long process, however, is bone regeneration.That's right, humans are self-healing.Our bones regenerate to store and supply our bodies with calcium, and also to keep our bodies strong and flexible. 

It takes about 10 years for all the cells that make up your bones to regenerate.So if you think about it, your're getting a new body every decade  !

Before you get too excited, you should know that your teeth are one part of your skeleton that don't regenerate.So listen to your dentist and keep bruising twice a day.

Its easy to count how many teeth you have , but can you guess how many bones are in your hand ? Including the wrist every human have 27 bones in hand and 26 bones in each foot.That means that your hands and feet make up half of all the bones in your body.

While some of these facts may sound incredible you would better believe your ears, because your bones are what give you the ability to hear.The 2.5 mm wide stapes bone is the smallest in your body but has the important hob of conducting sound vibrations to the inner ear.Allowing you to hear music, laughter and many sounds.

But regardless of hearing or humor no one is laughing at the funny bone.Because its not all that funny and it's not even a bone !That tingly feeling you get when you whack you elbow on something actually comes from the ulnar nerve, which is the largest

unprotected nerve in you body and ironically. sits below the upper arm bone called, "the humerus".

You see ? Skeletons do not have to be scary all the time.For all the serious work that they do, they know how to release some tension mostly by supplying our tissue with calcium.