How To Recognize A Heart Attack One Month Before.......

By leading a Healthy lifestyle you can reduce the likelihood of suffering a heart attack. Beacuse Prevention is better than cure. This simple rule applies to any disease and is especially valuable when symptoms are not properly acknowledged.Every year, almost eight hundred thousand people in North America suffer a heart attack. Many survive but some do not, especially if they’ve had more than one.
A heart attack is most often indicative of coronary heart disease, which is a cumulative deterioration of the heart and circulatory system.

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With when these six symptoms occur at the same time:

1.Chest Pressure :-

A common warning sign of an impending heart attack is tight feeling in your chest.

2. Exhaustion :-
If you constantly feel weak and tired it could mean that your muscles are not getting enough blood.

3. Shortness of Breath :-
Before a heart attack, victims may have trouble breathing when arteries in the lungs constrict due to lack of blood flow.

4. Dizziness and cold sweats :-
Sudden cold sweats are a warning signal that the organism is under supplied. 

5.Fatigue :-
Fatigue can be a sign of an impending heart attack. High levels of stress can result in the heart not receiving enough blood.

6. Cold :-
Coughing, sniffles and fever occur about one month before a heart attack.The Coughing is meant to increase blood flow to the chest.

7. Hair loss :-
Losing your hair is considered to be just another visible indicator of the risk of heart disease. Most commonly it affects men over 50, but some women may also be in the risk group. Baldness is also associated with an increased level of the hormone cortisol.

Share these Artical with everyone and warn them about these supposedly harmless symptoms.