Natural Ways To Complete Removal Of Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags, Age spots

A large percentage of the human population has skin issues and problems that occur due to hormonal imbalances,aging, bad diet, etc. And the skin is the largest organ in the body; it covers about 20 square feet. It protects us from microbes, helps us regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat and cold.

There are thousands of skin and beauty care products that promise to give you clear and glowing skin.Not only they are pretty expensive, but they do not provide the desired results as well. Moreover, they are packed with compounds that are harmful to your health. Instead of relying on these products, you can attempt some simple and easy home remedies to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

The good news is that there are natural remedies that can cure your warts, moles, blackheads, skin tags, and age spots. All you have to do is continue reading to find out what they are.

1.How To Removing Warts :-

Warts are small noncancerous growths found most commonly in hands and feet they are usually small, rough and are similar color to the rest of the skin.. This viral infection comes from a strain of human papillomavirus (HPV); don’t worry, not the same kind that causes genital warts. Warts can develop and spread between people from direct or indirect contact. Modern medicine cures warts with freezing by using liquid nitrogen or by applying salicylic acid.People use different methods for wart removal, and some of the natural remedies are:

Vitamin C :- Crush a few vitamin C tablets in a dish with less than a teaspoon of water. Mix the powder and liquid together to create a paste. Rub the paste over your wart and protect it with a bandage. The vitamin’s high acidity may cause a burning sensation, but it will quickly go away. Repeat daily.
Baking Soda :- Baking soda has potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and can effectively prevent viruses responsible for warts. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with white vinegar and apply the paste directly on your warts.
Peel Banana:- Using Bananas is a very simple and easy way to remove warts. What you should do is rub the wart at night with peel of banana, and you should do this for a period of two weeks constantly.
Garlic :- Crush a clove of garlic, apply it to the wart, and then bandage it up. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then remove the bandage and wash the wart thoroughly. Repeat this twice daily for at least one week or until the warts fall off.
Honey :- Honey is another effective remedy. Just apply it to your warts and let it stand overnight.The honey will slowly remove the wart. There are even cases of warts not returning after honey had been used to treat them.

How To Remove Moles :-

There are many factors that can cause skin moles, including genetics, hormone fluctuations and sun exposure.Moles appear almost everywhere and in all people, young, old, male and female.To remove them natural remedy are below :-

Garlic usage :- This is very efficient way, cut a garlic clove in half and apply it on the skin mole. Let it stand for 4 hours. Repeat this procedure every day.Before using garlic for Mole removal it is important that you protect the mole surrounding skin, and you can do this simply by using petroleum jelly or tape. After doing so, you should apply the garlic on the mole.
Castor Oil with Baking Soda:- Just mix a few drops of Castor oil and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. and rub it all over your mole. Let it dry for a few hours than repeat this twice a day for about a month.
Pineapple Juice :-Actually tasty drink will not remove your mole, but it will lighten the pigment. Instead, the juice lightens the pigment. Soak a little cotton ball in pineapple juice and tape it over the mole. Do this at least twice daily for at least two weeks.
Apple Cider Vinegar :- Apple cider vinegar is another natural remedy that can eliminate skin moles. Just soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the mole.Before using Apple Cider Vinegar Secure mole surrounding skin with a bandage and let it stand for 8 hours. The regular use of apple cider vinegar will cause the mole to blacken and fall off. Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, so make sure to apply moisturizer after using ACV.

How To Remove Skin Tags :-

Skin tags are caused by aging, genetics, and endocrine syndromes.But it is widely accepted that skin tags come about when your skin excessively rubs together and hence their occurrence in folds and in the overweight.Skin tags usually appear on the eyelids, neck, upper chest, near the genitals, under the arms, under the breasts, and the armpit region (on places where friction and moisture are common).The Natural Ways to remove skin tags are as follows :-

Apple Cider Vinegar :- As we know that Apple Cider Vinegar is a effective way to remove moles its also help to remove skin tags also. As-usually soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly on the skin tags.Before using Apple Cider Vinegar Secure mole surrounding skin with a bandage.

Tea Tree Oil:- Dampen a cotton ball with water and then apply to it four drops of tea tree oil. Massage your skin tag using the cotton ball and wait up to three hours before cleaning it off. Repeat this three times daily, and after a few weeks, you skin tag should fall off painlessly.

How To Remove Age Spots/Dark spots :-

Dark spots usually come with age and may appear like discolorations on the face or hands. It is thought that they appear due to aging or overexposure to the sun in the most cases, but liver problems could trigger them.However, you can get rid of them in a natural way.
Aloe Vera :-Using Aloe Vera, this treatment is quite good, what you should do is take some fresh aloe and put it on the affected area for a period of 30 minutes. When doing so it is important to use only the inner gel from fresh aloe plants and even house Aloe Vera plants.
Geranium oil:- Similar to rosehip, geranium oil also contains antioxidants that help to reduce age spots. Whether you prefer olive or coconut oil, mix one teaspoon of either with five drops of geranium oil. Before bed, massage the essential oil blend into your face with attention to your age spot.
Lemons :-Lemon, it is very simple and easy to use lemon for treating dark spots, what you should do is just soak a cotton ball in lemon and rub the affected area twice a day.
Horseradish :-Using Horseradish, this method is done by mixing vinegar and horseradish and simply applying in on the dark spot. The dark spot should fade away after this treatment.
Rosehip essential oil: You can apply this oil to your age spots on its own or as part of your other skin care products. Make sure your skin is damp before applying a few drops of rosehip to your age spots. Thoroughly massage it into your skin for one to two minutes. The antioxidants it contains will help reduce age spots (especially brown ones).

How To Remove Blackheads :-

Blackheads affect people of all ages. They develop when there’s a build-up of things like dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum in the openings of hair follicles. Blackheads, which can also look yellow, appear mostly on the nose. If you don’t treat them properly, blackheads can lead to more visible breakouts. In addition to the remedies below, here are six blackhead treatments you’ll want to check out.

Sugar scrub :-Using Sugar scrubs, this method, cleans the pores and adds some shine to the skin. What you should do is, mix some lemon and sugar until it forms a paste and then rub it on face with your hands or piece of cotton ball. After doing so wash the face off with water and apply some lotion on it.
Oatmeal:- Prepare a bowl before you mix in a teaspoon of honey and juice from four tomatoes. Once you’ve mixed these ingredients into the oatmeal, scrub the paste into your face and then rinse it off after fifteen minutes. Repeat daily for healthy-looking skin.
Steaming :- Steaming your face is also a great way to open and cleanse your pores! Simply boil some water, place a towel over your head and the pot, and enjoy your own personal sauna for about 10-15 minutes! After you can rinse your pours with some colder (but not frigid) water to shrink your pores back up!